
Jodi Steeves

Social Work
Magna Cum Laude, Phi Alpha/ Beta Rho inductee,

It has been an honor getting to know my fellow graduates, We have been through so much together under the circumstances that surround the COVID-19 Pandemic and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors

Favorite Time at SCSU

My favorite part of my time at SCSU, was getting to know my classmates and professors. Their experiences, and their life stories proved to be their inspiration and reason for pursuing a career in the Social Work field same as mine has done for me.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I am going to miss the atmosphere that is associated with being a student in general. But I look forward to keeping the friendships and connections I have made and see where my degree will take me in the future.

Advice to Incoming Students

My advice to incoming students is to not be afraid to talk to your Professors... "Life" happens, emergencies, unexpected distractions.. these professors are here to help you succeed.... If you do the work, participate in class they are more willing to help you when something comes up unexpectedly. DON'T EVER GIVE UP- JUST KEEP SWIMMING