
Alvin Furlow



Favorite Time at SCSU

My favorite part here at SCSU was being able to communicate through music with many others and capture photos for the athletics department. I’ve met so many people from the Music Department to the Athletics Department. In music I played in the BlueSteel Drumline, Universal Band, Latin Jazz, and Blues. Then I became the athletic photographer, which was also amazing because I was able to show the school what I’m capable of. By doing that, I was able gain a bigger audience in sports towards my business. Everyone calls me Hq, which stands for “High Quality” but check out my work. Instagram: @Hqvisualss Website:

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I’m going to miss my music professors more than anything. Through the 4 years at southern, I’ve gained that bond through music with the each of them. We laughed and created music on the spot. I consider the Music department as another home.

Advice to Incoming Students

Don’t hesitate to speak up. Ask your fellow classmates or professors for help when needed. Never say you can’t do anything, because in reality when you put your mind towards something anything is able to be accomplished.