KC and Jamil visit with President Joe Bertolino to discuss the return to campus, the future of vaccinations and COVID-19, and the state of social justice at the university.

Appointed as the university’s 12th president in July 2016, President Joe Bertolino oversees an institution of about 10,000 students, 440 full-time faculty, and 1,100 staff. His first day at Southern was Aug. 22, 2016.

President Joe has been a social justice educator for 25 years, and is passionate about student success and access to higher education.

During his short time at the helm of Southern, he has outlined the following priorities: raising the University’s profile, expanding community outreach and partnerships; strategic enrollment recruitment and retention; and streamlining students’ path to earning a degree.

Early initiatives include a new marketing program that is reintroducing the University to the region and beyond; the University’s first comprehensive enrollment plan; and new community partnerships at multiple levels to establish Southern as a good neighbor.