
Nicole Healy

Outstanding in History Award, Magna Cum Laude

We have endured so much & overcome so many obstacles other classes before us didn’t have to face. Take pride in what we’ve achieved and bask in the moment!

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I’ll miss living on campus so much! Being an RA in Neff Hall has been one of the most rewarding experiences and I had some of my best memories there. I’m looking forward to starting my masters at Central and interning in Student Activities at ECSU!

Advice to Incoming Students

Your experience at Southern is what you make of it , and SCSU offers so many great opportunities to learn, grow, and meet new people that it is hard to avoid it! Take every opportunity you can to try something new, you never know when it could be your last chance.

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