
Rohena Fearon

Social Work

Regardless of the circumstances no one can take away your accomplishments! This is the end of a new beginning. Graduating class of 2020 you did it! I did it! We all did it even when all odds were against us.

Favorite Time at SCSU

My favorite part at my time at SCSU was becoming a Resident Advisor. I was able to meet awesome residents, and create long lasting friendships!

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I will miss having my friends and peers just a dorm away. And I am looking forward to starting my new adventure, Grad School.

Advice to Incoming Students

Four years seems like a long time but it will fly by! Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to blossom and grow. Accept the challenges that you will face and appreciate the lessons they will teach.✨

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