
Mestude Vertusma

Social work

I wish my fellow graduates a future fills with accomplishments, peace, and adventures.

Favorite Time at SCSU

My favorite time at Southern is spending time in time at the library doing homework and sharing my thoughts with my classmates during social work class, and getting food at the Adanti Center.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I'm going to miss some of my classmates and my Professors who support me during my journey at SCSU. It was not easy for me to juggle being a wife, mother, and student, but thank God I made it. I'm excited to start my master's in the Fall at NYU.

Advice to Incoming Students

My advice for incoming students is to know that Southern is a school with dedicated faculty members who will be there to support them in achieving their goals. SCSU students' body is diverse, and the school fosters a sense of community belonging.

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