
JoAnna Bertorelli

Business Management

Follow your hearts <3

Favorite Time at SCSU

Being dropped a letter grade for missing class after being placed on mandatory bedrest because I was diagnosed with pneumonia Thank you Prof Selnick, you taught me life isnt fair.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

Going to miss the professors who taught me passionately and made a positive impact on my life. The ones who weren't robots. Thank you Prof Garb Thank you Prof Panza

Advice to Incoming Students

AVOID THE PIZZA IN STU - GO TO CONN HALL INSTEAD No Really.... Pay close attention to your degree program, advisors are people just like you and I, most are underpaid and over-worked so they can make a lot of mistakes. You don't have to use the advisor you are assigned, if you're unhappy ask around, word of mouth is best for selecting academic advisement

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