
Claudia Lopez

International Business

This is not the goodbye that we planned to be having here at SCSU. I’m proud of us! Even till the very end we kept fighting and now we are celebrating a well anticipated milestone in our lives. I’m excited and nervous of what the future has in hold for us. Being the warriors that we have been; this time at SCSU has prepared us to be successful in our careers. CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2020!!

Favorite Time at SCSU

SCSU gave me the opportunity to be able to meet amazing people that have the same mindset as I do. Being able to be surrounded by facility that was for the students.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I’m looking forward to start my career and use all the tools the SCSU gave me to be successful. I’m going to miss giving the campus a final goodbye.

Advice to Incoming Students

As hard as thing get keep fighting. You are working toward your future. When you look back it will all be worth it.

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