
Show your appreciation for our Class of 2024 graduates by sharing a message of congratulations! Messages will be displayed here and may be shared on social media.

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Linda Spruill

Congratulations I and your whole Family are very proud of you through Gods Grace you can do all things e Love you live all of your dreams Love your Mom šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜

Parent 01/25/2025

Jennifer Stewart

Jade Alexandria Stewart I'm so proud of you! Despite all of the setbacks, struggles and tragedies you have overcome, you finished strong. I love you so much. Love Nana

Parent 05/24/2024

Jayci Jordan

Today youā€™ve reached the first star in a Galaxy of many! Nanny & Pop are so proud of you and your accomplishments of gymnastics and honors graduate! Many more celebrations ahead! Live in the moment! Love Nanny and Pop

Parent 05/18/2024

Deanna (Scotto) Murphy

Congratulations to Natalie Scotto! We are so proud of everything you've accomplished and the woman you have become. I am lucky to call you my sister! Your future is so bright! Love, Deanna and Jack

Alumni 05/17/2024

Vanessa Severino

To Gianna Rayne Sullo!!!!! Your Godmother Vanessa & Cousins Patrick & Ryan and Papa Jack are so proud of you!!!! Its our prayer & belief that you have been destined by God to do pretty amazing things!!!! I just know you have a bright & promising future ahead of you ā¤ļø

Parent 05/17/2024

Vanessa Severino

To Gianna Rayne Sullo!!!!! Your Godmother Vanessa & Cousins Patrick & Ryan and Papa Jack are so proud of you!!!! Its our prayer & belief that you have been destined by God to do pretty amazing things!!!! I just know you have a bright & promising future ahead of you ā¤ļø

Parent 05/17/2024

lynette andrzejewski

Congratulations, Halie Auntie Nettie and uncle Dave are so proud of you!!! Sorry they didnā€™t have an option for family so I picked parent lol

Parent 05/17/2024

Isabella Hodson

Hi Bella, Great work and achievement graduating from Southern Connecticut State University. You have persevered and should be proud of yourself. We love you! Dad & Mom

Parent 05/17/2024

Anastasia Burke

Congratulations on all your achievements here at SCSU and all your growth in everything you have taken on! I am so proud of you & honored to call you son! Many blessings for all your future endeavors! Go Owls! Go NBFit! Javelin Rocks! XOXO Momma

Parent 05/17/2024

Corey Siemer

Kayla, we are so proud of you and all your accomplishments. I will tey to hold back tears while you walk across the stage. We all love you so much.

Parent 05/17/2024

Jayci Jordan

Today youā€™ve reached the first star in a Galaxy of many! Nanny & Pop are so proud of you and your accomplishments of gymnastics and honors graduate! Many more celebrations ahead! Live in the moment! Love Nanny and Pop

Parent 05/17/2024

Ethan Herbert

Ms. Kerrigan Murphy hope you have a good day and continue to be the best congrats

Alumni 05/17/2024

Isabella Morais

Proud of you! Computer Science ā€˜24 Eduardo Cury

Parent 05/17/2024

Damaris Ortiz

MARLISA you did it again! CONGRATS on achieving your Masters degree of Science Your hard work and perseverance has paid off We are proud of the confident and capable woman you have become Much success on you future endeavors LOVE Mom Keila Ailin Marquais Karina Jermell Marvin and the kids

Parent 05/16/2024

John &Beatrice Scheib

Congratulations, Conner Skarsynski, on your cumullation of this first step and your acheivement and selection for Law School. Much yet to be learned!! Grandma and Grandpa!!

Parent 05/16/2024

Melissa Costanza

Congratulations to Marilyn Childs on your college graduation!! I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. Keep learning, keep succeeding and keep being true to you and I will keep cheering you on! Wishing you nothing but the best. Love you lots, Ms. Melissa xoxo

Alumni 05/16/2024

Maureen Hahn

Congrats Bobby!!!! You did it. We are so proud of you! Canā€™t wait to see you chasing your dreams. Keep working hard, and you can accomplish anything. Love Mom, Dad, Nikki, Aunt Mari, Uncle Brian and Aunt Jo.

Parent 05/16/2024

Abdul Rahim

Love you my boy! I knew you could do it.

Parent 05/16/2024

Thomas Hurley

To Patrick Hurley We are so proud of you you are a special young man and we love you so much Love bop and grandma

Parent 05/15/2024

Shaileen Landsberg

Brandon, I am so very proud of you! The world is your oyster, Kiddo, and I canā€™t wait to see where it will take you. I love you so, so much! Love, Shaileen

Parent 05/15/2024

Alfred P. Colangelo

Hi Bella - So proud of your accomplishments. You are the most beautiful caring, loving person that I know. I wish you the best in the future. Love dad

Parent 05/15/2024

Melissa Costanza

Congratulations to Marilyn Childs on your college graduation!! I am so proud of you! Take a moment to look back on your achievements & realize how much you have accomplished so far. Keep learning, keep moving forward and I will keep cheering you on!! Love, Ms Melissa

Alumni 05/15/2024

Marcia & Shaun Duling

Congratulations Morgan Duling! We are very proud of your hard work and dedication to obtain your bachelors degree! Such an awesome accomplishment! Keep working hard towards your masters goal, we can't wait to see what successes in the future hold for you! Love Mom & Dad

Parent 05/15/2024

Marjorie Wright

Congratulations Tarik Hetmyer! We could not ask for a better a son, uncle, grandson, friend, brother and cousin. We are so proud of what you have accomplished. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors love Mom, Dad, Trisha, Tiffany, Gavin, Grandma, and all the family.

Parent 05/14/2024

Avrom Sevell

Congratulations, Julia. Your hard work has paid off, not only in achieving your degree but also in making such great friends and memories. May your future be filled with many more great memories and achievements.

Parent 05/14/2024

Tricia Johnson

Jada Johnson we are SOOO proud of you and in awe of all your accomplishments! You are amazing and I can't wait to see your next chapter "The Marathon Continues!" Congratulations to you and class of 2024. Love you more than you know!-Mom

Parent 05/14/2024

Rebekah Griffin
Secretary II, Physics & Philosophy

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to this year's Physics and Philosophy graduates. On behalf of both my departments, we are SO proud of all of you. Remind yourself how far you have come to get to this day, and always remember to be proud of your achievements. Enjoy the day!

Faculty / Staff 05/14/2024

JaneƩ Johnson
Early Childhood Edu., 2023

Congrats Jada! I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished! I am honored to be your big sister and watch you grow each and everyday! I know you will do great things in your future! I love youuuuu! Mwuah!

Alumni 05/13/2024

Suzanne Shaw

Brianna Marie Doris Shaw- we are so very proud of you and all you have accomplished! Love you always, Mom, Dad, JD, Michael and Talia XOXO

Parent 05/12/2024

AJ House

We are so incredibly proud of you! The world is your oyster. We canā€™t wait to see all the wonderful things in store for you. Wishing you happiness, prosperity, and joy! Congratulations!

Parent 05/12/2024

Jayci Jordan

Congratulations to the best of the best and the finest of the fine for reaching this milestone in your lifeā€™s journey. I am so extremely proud of you and honored to be your grandmother.

Parent 05/11/2024

Shannon Jordan

Congratulations Jayci Jordan you did it! Your determination & commitment to accomplishing your goals of being a successful collegiate gymnast and excelling in Honors Biology have made us beyond proud of you! Excited to see the next chapter of your life & what your future holds! Love Mom and Dad

Parent 05/10/2024

Ronalyn Medina

Congratulations on your graduation, Kyle Medina! Your hard work and determination have paid off and we couldn't be prouder of the person you have become. Here's to the beginning of an exciting new chapter of your life!

Parent 05/10/2024

Sherry Riddick

I am beyond thrilled for you all. Reach for the stars in this next chapter of your lives. Jay words can not ever express the pride we feel.

Parent 05/09/2024

Redouan Boulabat

Congratulations! Keep making us proud. Know without a doubt that you were made for great things. I could not be any happier!

Parent 05/09/2024

Gillian Cholewa

Congratulations Cameron Wong on your graduation!! Your dedication, passion and hard work got you here and we could not be more proud of you! Dream big, work hard, and know we are here cheering you on every step of the way! Love, Mom,Maddie and family

Parent 05/09/2024

James and louann Benson

We have watched you grow from the cutest little kid into an amazing young man. We are so proud of you!! We can't wait to see what you accomplish in the next chapter in your life! We love you and we will always spoil you! Papa Jay and grama Lou

Parent 05/08/2024

Charles/wendy Benson

Congratulations Brandon Benson. We are all very proud of you! We can't wait and see what your next accomplishment will be. Love dad and wendy

Parent 05/08/2024

Dawn Cole

Brandon Benson, Congratulations on your achievements! Your hard work has truly paid off, and I couldn't be prouder of the person you've become. As you embark on this new phase, I'm confident you'll tackle it with the same determination. I love you and am so proud to be your Mom.

Parent 05/08/2024

Heather Hunter-Cable

Anna Hunter- what an amazing collegiate career you have had! We are so very proud- your commitment to your studies, your perseverance during a pandemic, and the adventures you welcomed along the way! Love you to the moon and back! Congrats Class of 2024!

Parent 05/08/2024

Chantal Gerckens

Congratulations Kaitlyn Gerckens!! We love you Kait and are so proud of your accomplishments! Keep following your heart & your goals and you will do amazing things!!!

Parent 05/08/2024

Justin Truedson

Congrats Jamo!!!! So proud of you brother!!!

Parent 05/06/2024

Jo-Ann Holmes

Congratulations to the graduating members of SCSU WLax: Hannah, Bri, Ailis, Sarah, Savannah, Morgan, Alexa, & Michela! Go OWLS!

Parent 05/05/2024

Edward Mastrangelo

Congratulations Izaiah Walker! Watching you graduate is one of the happiest moments of our lives. We love you to the Centerfield fence and back! Love, Papa & Nanny

Parent 05/05/2024

Aimee Mastrangelo

Congratulations Izaiah Walker!! Itā€™s not easy being a student athlete but there you were everyday giving 100% on the baseball field & in your studies. Iā€™m so proud of you! I will always be your biggest fan. Love, Mom

Parent 05/05/2024

Jennifer Manzo

Sydney your dad and I are so proud of all you have accomplished!!! We canā€™t wait to see what lieā€™s ahead for youā€¦the world is yours to conquer!!!

Parent 05/04/2024

Lori Goodson

Congratulations ā€œTinkaliciousā€ Madison Nicole Goodson for getting it Done. Daddy, your siblings and I are so proud of your accomplishments. Take your stand Maddy!!! ā¤ļø Love Mommy

Parent 05/04/2024

Loreen & Michael Hall

So incredibly proud of our beautiful daughter Amanda Lee! Congratulations on all your accomplishments over the past 4 years! Canā€™t wait to finally see you make your walk across the stage! Itā€™s been a long time coming! We love you so much!! Mom & Daddy ā¤ļø

Parent 05/04/2024

Lori Kardashian

Congratulations Payton Reis on your Masters Degree! We are so proud of you and the hard work you have put in the past 5 years. We wish you much success in all your future endeavors! Love you! Mom and Tyler

Parent 05/04/2024

Jennifer Cole
Nursing 2000

Congratulations Emily Cole on your graduation from the nursing program at SCSU. We are so proud of all your accomplishments and love you beyond measure. Love, Mom, Dad, Aiden and Riley

Parent Alumni 05/04/2024

Jacqui Jones

To our gorgeous girl Laura Jones. We could not be more proud. You said you were going to do it and you did! Keep reaching for the stars. We love you !

Parent 05/04/2024

Neena Holder

Congratulations to my baby girl SierrahšŸ˜˜šŸ’žšŸ„³šŸ„³ We are super proud of you and we can't wait to celebrate you!

Parent 05/04/2024

Isabella Morais

Congratulations Computer Science Class of 2024 šŸ’•

Parent 05/04/2024

Lisa Miguel

A super congratulations to our son Eric Miguel Has become a master in Computer Science and more. We are so proud of you. Love Always Mom and Dad,Jason ,Natalie Aunt Paula, Uncle Gino, Lucas,Ian,Sophie

Parent 05/04/2024

Kim Koscinski

Megan Koscinski you are a First Generation Student who has excelled with honors at SCSU. You are going to make a wonderful Pediatric Nurse at CCMC. We are so proud of you. Good luck as you begin the next chapter of life. We love you. Mom & Dad

Parent 05/04/2024

Connie and Gregg Gustafson

Congratulations to all of the 2024 graduates! We are so proud of all of your wonderful accomplishments Kylee Jin! This is your time to shine! Love, Mom, Dad, Jeremy, Connor & Lilly

Parent 05/04/2024

Alexandra Shuter

Andriy Grynyk-my son, so very proud of your accomplishments. Your dedication to excellence is unbeatable. You are simply amazing. We love you and wishing you the best in your next chapter. Mom, Dad & Anna.

Parent 05/04/2024

Tammy Kahl

Emiley on this momentous day, we want you to know how incredibly proud we are of all that you've accomplished. Your hard work, determination, and dedication have paid off, and we have no doubt that you will continue to achieve greatness in the future. Love always Mom and Dad

Parent 05/04/2024

Kellie Jandreau

Jillian - We are so proud of you !! You have become a remarkable young woman and the future is all yours !! Congratulations on earning your Bachelors in Psychology ! Good Luck in Grad school !! Love, Mom,Dad & Chloe xoxo

Parent 05/04/2024

Suzanne and Tom Hurley

Patrick Hurley You are loved more than youā€™ll ever understand. We are so proud of how you persevered to arrive at this moment. Congratulations. XOXO Mom and Dad

Parent 05/04/2024

Betty Changeux

I love you so much my son Christopher changeux, Iā€™m so happy today and so proud of you. You mean so much to me. I love you so much son. Your father love you so much too.

Parent 05/03/2024

Rakina Andre

Christopher, congratulations on getting your degree!!! I know you worked so hard for this. You deserved this. Love Madly

Parent 05/03/2024

Rashid Changeux
Public health, 2017

The Changeux family love you.. congratulations Christopher Changeux on getting your degree today, I know it was not easy, with hard work and dedication you did it.

Alumni 05/03/2024

Olfa Santana-Zephirin

Owen, congratulations on your college Graduation!! You've accomplished something big, and I am very proud of you. Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it and work for it. Your mom, OLFA XOXO

Parent 05/03/2024

Pascal Zephirin

Congratulations Owen. I am very proud of you for this wonderful accomplishment. Keep up the great work. Wonderful things are waiting ahead for you. Dad

Parent 05/03/2024

Michelle Perez
Masters in Business Administration, 2017

Dear Daughter, My pride and joy. I can't believe the date is finally here! You have surpass my expectations and I am so proud of you. May this accomplishment help you tremendously in your future endeavors. I love you with all of my heart. God bless you.

Parent Alumni 05/03/2024

Shuwonjah Jeffrey

To:Thamarsha Smith I could not be more proud of you! I am proud to be your daughter. I watched you work tirelessly hard and accomplish so much. You will continue to succeed because you are the true definition of perseverance. I love you! For you, your goals are limitless! Congratulations!

Parent 05/02/2024

Shuwonjah Jeffrey

*Her Daughter* I could not be more proud of you! I am proud to be your daughter. I watched you work tirelessly hard and accomplish so much. You will continue to succeed because you are the true definition of perseverance. I love you! For you, your goals are limitless! Congratulations!

Parent 05/02/2024

Georgia Binns

Audrey Arnold, Congratulations!! I am so proud of you! Graduating with Honors is such an accomplishment! You have excelled at being you! I wish you all the best as you step into the next chapter in your Book of Life. Love, Great Aunt Georgia

Parent 05/02/2024

Ishmaelle Changeux
class of 2019

Go chris !! A proud sister/ Alumni I love you so much - keisha

Alumni 05/02/2024

Jennifer Changeux

Congratulations Christopher Changeux. The whole family is so proud of you! You worked hard for this and never gave up. We love you!

Alumni 05/01/2024

Brooke LaValle

Brooke we are extremely proud of your hard work and dedication on obtaining your bachelor degree! We can't wait yo watch you succeed in your next chapter! Love Mom, Dad, Maddy and Bo ā¤

Parent 05/01/2024

Yessenia Vargas

Congrats Reynaliz! Another accomplishment in the books, I am so proud of you! I can't wait to see what you do next! I love you!

Parent 04/30/2024

Christine Bedard

Austin, We are so extremely proud of you and your accomplishments! We love you beyond measure and look forward to your future successes! Love, Mom, Dad and Tori

Parent 04/30/2024

Patrick Cronan

Congratulations Flaminia A, we are so proud of your accomplishments! Love Jean and Pat

Parent 04/27/2024

Lukas Szymecki

So glad you transferred. Owls have always been wiser than the Hawks. Love you, and am so proud of you, Lex.

Alumni 04/24/2024

Pam Szymecki

Huge congratulations to the Class of 2024! We are especially so proud of our daughter, Alexis Marie. Canā€™t wait to see whatā€™s next for you!

Parent 04/24/2024

Christine Arnold

Congratulations Derrick!! You have worked hard these past four years and have had tremendous accomplishments. You have a very bright future and we believe you will succeed in whatever you set your mind to in the future.

Parent 04/24/2024

Jeanine (mom) Massiello

Gianna Sullo, graduating with honors is a testament to your intelligence and ability to achieve anything you set your mind to. This is only the beginnning, keep believing in your light because its so beautiful to see. You are an exceptional young woman & I am so very proud of you!

Parent 04/24/2024

Kara Cikatz

We are so proud of you!!! We love you so much and can't wait to see what the future holds!!! Love Mom, Dave & Luca

Parent 04/20/2024

Yvonne Jones-Evans

Congratulations Daā€™Sha ! Iā€™m so proud of you and all that you have accomplished in college. You have grown into a beautiful person inside and out! I canā€™t wait to see what you do in your next journey in life.

Parent 04/16/2024

Bryce Christopher McMinn

Congratulations to Kailyn McMinn for doing an outstanding job during her 4 years at SCSU. I am so very proud of you and your accomplishments. The world needs a motivated, enthusiastic and intelligent educator like you. Your passion and drive are inspirational. You can do anything. Job well done!

Parent 04/16/2024

Corinne Yocher

Garrett, Congratulations on earning your BS in Business Administration! Graduating Cum Laude is quite an accomplishment. I am proud of you. It goes to show that when you set your mind to something you will reach your goal. I wish you success in all you do. Love you!

Parent 04/12/2024

Xiaā€™ian Carrasco

Xia, I am super proud of You. Graduating Magna Cum Laude is huge!!! You did that!! You are a star, always remember who You are. Iā€™m honored to be your mom. Congratulations baby you are the Truth!! Love Momma!

Parent 04/12/2024

Larissa Connors

Congratulations Miss Barbieri! A teacher who cares, inspires, and brings out the best in each student. Cheers to all your hard work!

Parent 04/11/2024

Kamryn Leinheiser

Congratulations Kamryn on receiving a Bachelors Degree in Biology from SCSU! All of your hard work and commitment to your education these last 4 years at Southern has paid off!! We are so very proud of you, keep reaching for the stars! Love, Mom and Dad

Parent 04/09/2024

Danielle Rocco

Congratulations, Nicole Skelly!! I am beyond proud of you and all of you hard work and accomplishments! Your future students will be lucky to have such an intelligent and compassionate teacher. I love you with all my heart! Congratulations to all the SCSU 2024 Graduates! Love, Mom

Parent 04/01/2024

Kelly Saranich
BSN, 1996

Keep hope, an open mind and pride in your educational accomplishment while keeping humble. With every experience, good and not so good, presents greater learning; be grateful for it all. Keep connections youā€™ve formed at SCSU- they may lead to career opportunities, lasting friendships or if youā€™re lucky, both.

Parent Alumni 03/24/2024

Tammy Kahl

Congratulations Emiley we are so very proud of you. Love always mom and dad