
Joanna Aguila-Perez

Dean's List

I am so thankful to have built close friendships and long lasting memories! Together, we made it through the pandemic, tough times through quarantine, and many struggles and successes. Congrats to the class of 2024! We did it! Be proud of yourselves :)

Favorite Time at SCSU

My favorite part of my time at SCSU was getting to join Club Volleyball; I have built so many wonderful friendships and I have created so many memories that I will never forget. As an athlete, I am happy with the outcomes in the areas I have improved in! I also enjoyed attending on campus events and activities with other owls and getting to be part of the community more!

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I will miss receiving goodies from on campus events and activities as well as connecting with friends! I will also miss the wonderful support and connections from peers, friends, staff, professors! I look forward to closing this chapter as I open the next chapter in my life!

Advice to Incoming Students

Make friends! I love SCSU because it is so diverse, don't ever think that you don't fit in or can't make friends! We're all one big family! Attend as many campus events and activities to help you gain better insight about career opportunities and build strong connections! Live life to its fullest during these 4 years or however long it might take, they sure do fly by fast!