
Madison Markelon

Communication: A&P - Minor in PR
Omnicron Delta Kappa leadership honors society, Lawrence E Fitzgerald Communication Award

A lot of us are 2020 high school graduates and life seemed so unreal back then, and the world felt like it was over. But look at us now, we did it! The last four years have been filled with chaos, happiness, and the unknown. But through all of it we stayed strong and adapted. Congratulations class of 2024, I am so proud of us all.

Favorite Time at SCSU

My favorite part of being at SCSU was joining my sorority Alpha Sigma Alpha and meeting some of my best friends. Life wouldn't have been the same with out these amazing women.

Advice to Incoming Students

Don't take your time here for granted. It goes by so fast and before you know it, you will be graduating too! Enjoy every moment you have and live your best life.