
Tiona Watts

Special Education Comprehensive
Magna Cum Laude

Thank you to all who have supported me and taught me several lessons. I hope that we stay in touch throughout the years and support one another in all our adventures. Thank you to my family who have raised me and supported me through all the years. To my boyfriend and his family, thank you for teaching me valuable lessons about life. To everyone else who supported me throughout the last 4 years, thank you for taking me under your wing and allowing me to grow as a person. Congratulations Class of 2024! We made it!

Favorite Time at SCSU

Getting to meet various students and faculty that have made a profound impact on my education as well as my life.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I am going to miss the little things such as heading to class on a nice spring evening, or getting lost because our class is in a basement. I look forward to applying what I have learned at Southern and making an impact on students' just like how some professors made an impact on me.

Advice to Incoming Students

Keep your head up. There are going to be days where you doubt yourself. Do not let your doubts take over your every day life, get up, get moving, clean, go for a walk, etc., but do not let it manifest to the point where you quit all your dreams. Also, if you are lost, absolutely ask for help, the Southern community will help you out! Enjoy your time here, it goes by quick, tomorrow you will look back and realize that in a few weeks you are going to be graduating, take it slow and enjoy your time at Southern.