
Alaina Pierce

Studio Art

Congratulations we did it!!! I can’t believe these four years flew by so fast!

Favorite Time at SCSU

I loved participating in new owl weekend as a a peer mentor! Homecoming with DPHIE. Where we one first place for our footloose routine and banner

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I’m going to miss campus life and seeing all my friends everyday the most. I’m going to miss all the opportunities to learn something new that southern had to offer. I’m most looking forward to grad school!

Advice to Incoming Students

Being scared and uncomfortable is okay! If trying something new scares you that is a good thing! Don’t be afraid to go out and take of all the clubs, and leadership opportunities scsu has. Not everything is just delivered to you, you gotta go out and grab it!