
Rhiannon Jarusinsky

Environmental systems and sustainability

Congratulations to all my fellow graduates! As a first-generation college student completing my two years at Southern, I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who has supported me on this journey. Despite the challenges we faced, we persevered, and today, we stand proud as graduates. Let's carry the lessons we've learned, the friendships we've made, and the memories we've cherished as we embark on the next chapter of our lives. Together, let's continue to strive for excellence and make our mark on the world. Best wishes to each and every one of you as we step into the future with confidence and determination. Go, Owls!

Favorite Time at SCSU

I'd say the highlight of my time at SCSU was transitioning from my previous degree and transferring to Southern. Moving into the dorms and experiencing the unique campus setting for the first time truly made my experience unforgettable. As well as all the new experiences and clubs I could join right at the tip of my fingers.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

What I'll miss the most is the comforting rhythm of my school schedule, a routine that has been ingrained in me for nearly two decades. While stepping away from this familiar structure may initially seem daunting, I'm eager to embrace the freedom and flexibility that lie ahead. No longer bound by the constraints of deadlines and demanding assignments, I look forward to a future where the weight of looming 8-14 page papers is replaced with my knowledge of what I learned for my major.

Advice to Incoming Students

To incoming students, especially those navigating college as first-generation students like myself, my advice is simple yet profound: embrace the support systems around you and never hesitate to reach out for guidance when uncertainty arises. Transitioning to college can feel overwhelming, especially when you're navigating it alone, but know that you're not alone in this journey. Take advantage of the resources and support services offered by your university, whether it's the First Generation Office or various student organizations. Personally, immersing myself in the vibrant community at Southern, particularly through involvement in organizations like the Residence Hall Association (RHA), proved to be transformative. It not only provided a sense of belonging but also invaluable support from peers and mentors who were eager to lend a helping hand whenever needed. Remember, there's always someone willing to assist you in whatever challenges you may encounter. So, don't hesitate to step out of your comfort zone, get involved, and make the most of your time at Southern. It's these connections and experiences that will truly enrich your college journey and pave the way for your success.