
Anaya Matthews

Elementary Education
Deans List ‘23

WE DID IT!! I am so happy that I got to meet most of you here at Southern and was able to get to know you whether it be class or in the student center! I pray and wish nothing but blessing on the journey you have upon you! So glad you didn’t give up even when it got hard, we made it!!

Favorite Time at SCSU

My favorite part of SCSU was meeting the many different people that attended southern! I enjoyed being a cheerleader & a club volleyball player here. I believe each thing I did as far as clubs and sports it was always accepting and warm, not only that but I made lifelong friends!

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I am going to miss the events, such as the football tailgate, the cultural fest and especially the annual multicultural heritage ball! What I look forward to is starting a new chapter in my life as a teacher and help shape the young minds within the next generation.

Advice to Incoming Students

Do not give on yourself or education. I know it gets hard but IT IS worth it in the long run, it is worth the next chapter you will face. You got this! If no one believes in you, I definitely do! Hard times are not forever, you’ll see it through!