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Muna Mah
Public Health
Cum Laude, Dean List, Departmental Award: Public Health Award for Excellence, Tau Sigma National Honor Society, Eta Sigma Gamma,& Golden Key International Honor Society

Despite the odds that were against us we still were able to prevail in such unprecedented times. If we can graduate in a global pandemic we own it to ourselves to accomplish our wildest dreams!!!

Favorite Time at SCSU

Sitting outside Buley Library on a sunny day and running into friends and Professors outside of class. My time being a member of the Public Health Society as well as Treasurer of the Muslim Student Association.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

Studying in Buley Library with my friends, Praying in the prayer room in between classes, Mr. James( The best shuttle bus driver :) I looking forward to starting my MPH program at Columbia University this Fall!

Advice to Incoming Students

Create your own balance between work and school. Find out what works for you personally and stick with it! There is always so much to remember so invest in a planner now and actually use it. If you have extra time maybe join a club or two that fits your interests and if your going to study don't actually tell your friends where you are cause they will come and find you (Trust me haha)

Jayne Maranda
Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting

We finally did it!

Shanice McKain

Congratulations to the Class of 2021! WE have all done it! Best of luck to everyone in their future endeavors.

Favorite Time at SCSU

My favorite part of being at SCSU throughout these four years is being a part our annual Welcome Week

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I am going to miss the supportive community that Southern offered but I am looking forward to taking on professional roles in the workforce.

Advice to Incoming Students

Please be patient with yourselves, the transition from high school to college is not an easy one but trust that you have made the best decision!

Erin McManus
Social Work

We have put in so much work to get to graduation, and now that we are here, it feels unreal. But, we did it! Forever stay proud of this accomplishment and I wish everyone the best of luck in future endeavors.

Favorite Time at SCSU

Meeting the friends I will keep for the rest of my life

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I am going to miss walking around campus and sitting on the library steps in the warm weather. I am looking forward to going towards my career goal and helping people.

Advice to Incoming Students

Sometimes you may feel like something is impossible. An impossible task or an impossible day. Just keep pushing through and know that you can make anything possible.

Karreem Mebane
Educational Leadership
Advanced Research Methods Leadership & Advocacy Award

Here's wishing all of the graduates the very best! With our next steps, let's continue to shoot for the moon! Because even if we fall short, we'll still be amongst the stars!

Favorite Time at SCSU

When I completed writing 316 pages and successfully defended my dissertation!

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I will miss celebrating the wonderful accomplishments my classmates achieved during each semester!

Advice to Incoming Students

To dream big and to get active. Enjoy every moment you have on campus with your classmates, friends, and professors!

Denisse Mercado

It's been a great journey full of ups and downs but we finally made it! We're NURSES!

Favorite Time at SCSU

Attending to Anatomy & Physiology labs and the several clinical experiences I had.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

The thing I will miss the most is going to the library, since I used that time to do all my homework. I am looking forward to practice as an RN.

Advice to Incoming Students

I would tell them to never give up, no matter how hard it may seem because if you truly want to become a nurse you'll make it.

Kayla Metzger
Elementary Education
Deans' List

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Favorite Time at SCSU

My favorite part of my time at SCSU has been gathering weekly with my InterVarsity Christian Fellowship family where we gathered as a close group of friends eager to learn more about Jesus and how to serve him faithfully on campus!

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I will miss the friends I have met at SCSU who I cherish so deeply, but I look forward to maintaining those friendships and for the new friends I will undoubtedly make in my teaching career to come!

Advice to Incoming Students

College can be overwhelming and stressful, but it will go by in a flash... believe me! Appreciate the small joys and celebrate the victories in each day!

Laura Moncada
Bachelor’s of Social Work

This year has been more than we could’ve imagined when we started. Im proud of everyone for being able to finish what set out to do! Best wishes class of 2021!

Favorite Time at SCSU

Meeting friends that i will cherish forever

Deborah Morrill
Nursing Education EdD

I started my educational journey at SCSU in the 1986 as an undergraduate. A lot changed over the years. Happy to be receiving my doctoral degree from this wonderful University.

Favorite Time at SCSU

I made some great friendships in this program. The nurse residency sessions were the best part. We got get to know each other and make friendships from students living throughout the USA

Tanner Mroz
Information & Library Science

Well here we are everyone, graduation. No matter where or when we started, we have all arrived to celebrate this time together. Each of us has memories (hopefully positive) that we’ll take away as we move on from SCSU with our degrees in hand. With those memories and degrees, though, I also want to add a couple of phrases that have stuck with me and hopefully with you all as well: First, “The older you get the better you get, unless you’re a banana” (Betty White); Second, “Fight for your dreams and you’re dreams will fight for you” (Daniel Bryan); Third, “Even Gwen Stefani said she couldn't doubt me” (Lil Wayne); Fourth, “They say money won’t buy happiness, but it’ll pay for the search” (Prince). Take care fellow graduating Owls and best of luck in any future endeavors, like further education, job hunting, or whatever else that puts to use all we have learned at SCSU. Lastly, we should take time to be proud of ourselves for all we have accomplished and will accomplish beyond school! :)

Favorite Time at SCSU

Lively Blackboard discussion board conversations, meeting nice students and people in the library sphere, mentoring at CfAL’s Tech4Teens, filming a book talk, and creating my own digital library.

Advice to Incoming Students

By far, my biggest piece of advice for any incoming graduate students pursuing their MLIS is to get into a rhythm with your work by using a schedule of some kind. A totally online program like this can become especially overwhelming if you try to wait to do each assignment and do not break them down into smaller, more manageable parts to complete first. Too, try to get to know some of the other students in your classes. Nice as it would be to be physically in a class interacting with your peers, the online format isn’t bad either since it gives you the chance for unique interactions. For example, my classes allowed me to chat with students from across the country that used their different backgrounds/experiences to support one another and make the material more understandable. In turn, this made the classes feel much closer to the in-person ones that I was accustomed to. Last but not least, have fun and do not lose sight of your goal. If you know where to look in the classes and on campus, there is some definite fun to be had. However, try to not get distracted too much to the point where you’re not on top of things to graduate yourself when your time comes.