
Submit your photo and tell us about your experience at Southern.

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Giana Cardonita
Recreation and Leisure Studies- Concentration: Youth Development and Leadership
4.0 Cumulative GPA, President’s List 2019-2023, Jack George Recreation and Leisure Studies Award, Dean’s Award in Health and Human Services

College may have been rough, but we conquered and came out stronger and smarter! Congratulations to all, be proud of your accomplishments! Owls for life 💙🦉

Favorite Time at SCSU

Joining Delta Phi Epsilon sorority and making strong bonds that will endure beyond college! 💜💛🦄

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I’m going to miss seeing my friends every day, having study dates in Buley and Stu, and overall, the vibrant campus community. I am looking forward to starting my master’s while providing support to teens with mental health issues as a live-in teacher-counselor at a therapeutic boarding school!

Advice to Incoming Students

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and get involved! You never know where it can take you. Getting involved will help you grow personally and professionally while giving you an overwhelming sense of community and support.

Christine Carey
Communication Disorder
Cum Laude

Dear fellow graduates of the SCSU class of 2024, As we close this chapter of our lives, let us carry forward the lessons learned, the friendships forged, and the memories cherished during our time at SCSU. We stand on the precipice of endless possibilities, armed with knowledge, resilience, and determination. As we embark on our respective journeys, let us embrace the challenges with courage, pursue our dreams with passion, and strive to make a positive impact in all that we do. Congratulations to each and every one of us on this momentous achievement, and may the future hold boundless opportunities for success and fulfillment.

Favorite Time at SCSU

Reflecting on my time at SCSU, I'd say my favorite part was the sense of community and camaraderie that premeated the campus. Whether it was collaborating on group projects, engaging in lively discussions with professors, or simply sharing laughs with friends in the student lounge, there was always a palpable feeling of support and belonging. These connections not only enriched my academic experience but also made my time at SCSU truly memorable.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

As I prepare to bid farewell to SCSU, there's no doubt that what I'll miss the most is the sense of community that premeated every corner of the campus. From the bustling halls to quiet study nooks, there was always a feeling of belonging that made SCSU feel like home. Specifically, I'll miss the camaraderie and meaningful connections fostered during my work-study at the Financial Aid Office, where I not only gained invaluable professional experience but also formed lasting relationships with colleagues and students alike. However, as I embark on the next chapter of my journey, I eagerly look forward to spending more quality time with my family members, who have been my unwavering support system throughout my academic endeavors. I can't wait to dive into my career, applying the skills and knowledge I've gained at SCSU.

Advice to Incoming Students

As you embark on your journey at SCSU, my advice to incoming students is to embrace every opportunity with an open mind and a willingness to learn and grow. Take advantage of all that the university has to offer - from engaging in class discussions and seeking guidance from professors to participating in extracurricular activities and forming connections with your peers. Remember that challenges are opportunities in disguise, so don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and push yourself beyond your limits. And most importantly, cherish every moment, for your time at SCSU will pass by in the blink of an eye. Soak in the experiences, make lasting memories, and always believe in yourself. You're capable of achieving great things, and SCSU is here to support you every step of the way. Welcome to the Owl family!

Xia'ian Carrasco
English, Professional Writing
Magna Cum Laude

The time has finally come! We have worked so hard to be here in this moment. Take a breather and enjoy it. Embrace the ending, prepare for a new beginning. Shout out to my family and friends who have seen every version of me and still choose to show up in the ways they do. I could not have done this without the immense love and support y’all have given me. Once an owl, always an owl. Cheers to the class of 2024!

Favorite Time at SCSU

Spending countless hours in Buley with friends, enjoying the quad entertainment and going to sports games!

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I will miss all of the people I met along the way and the outstanding staff that personally helped me through the finish line.

Advice to Incoming Students

It will be difficult but it will be worth it. It’s never too late to change your mind, passions can change!

Carlee Cassina

We all did it! No matter how long it took us to get here even if it longer than the original 4 years! We all still made it!

Favorite Time at SCSU

The understanding professors and the friends I was able to make during my classes and labs!

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I'm going to miss the lab work with my favorite professors and the people I basically grew with in these classes

Advice to Incoming Students

Never give up, even if you fail or don't get the grade you want! If you keep pushing forward you'll see the breakthrough in the end!

Brian Ceballos
Deans List

Best wishes for your next adventure.

Favorite Time at SCSU

Learning, growth and social connections that I’ve made.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I’m going to miss being the manager for the men’s basketball team because it was an amazing experience. I have met many people, learned new knowledge, and traveled to different places I never imagined of going. I am looking forward to sharing and passing the knowledge that I’ve learned while giving back.

Advice to Incoming Students

Work hard and get involved. By trying new things you can broaden your experience by learning new things about yourself and the world.

Tamia Chamberlain
Health care studies & Psychological Science

I hope that everyone acknowledges themselves first! And gives thanks to all the challenges and opportunities we’ve gone through to make it to graduation. Stay gracious, stay thankful. I think all the graduates this year are going to go far!

Favorite Time at SCSU

I don’t really have a specific event or time that was my favorite during my 3 years at southern, but I will say that everytime I had the opportunity to learn something new and actually retain knowledge... those moments will stick with me forever.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

Out of everything I will probably miss the very few teachers who have been kind to me and also sooooo patient. I’m looking forward to see what is next for me but I have a feeling that wherever I end up I’m going to make change in this world!

Advice to Incoming Students

My advice to the new students would be STAY FOCUSED, starting day 1. Don’t wait until you fail a class or get a bad grade to decide that it’s time to start dedicating yourself. Stay on your P’s and Q’s from day one and trust me it will pay off in the end.

Alyssah Chouinard
K-12 Physical Education
UAP Gear Up Waterbury

Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination.

Favorite Time at SCSU

My favorite times at SCSU was hanging out in the courtyards of the dorm rooms on nice spring days with everyone outside.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I’m going to miss the environment of SCSU and all of the friends I’ve made over my time here. I look forward to starting a new chapter in my life with my career and continue connecting with new people.

Advice to Incoming Students

My advice to incoming students is to stay focused on your goals. Learn how to maintain good grades and enjoy your time at SCSU as it will fly by.

Devin Coon
Business Administration Concentration in Marketing

We made it! Here’s to the future! Best of luck to all of you! :)

Favorite Time at SCSU

Singing in the choir with Dr. Gemme

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

As much as I won’t miss the assignments, I will miss having an active social life… I’m looking forward to starting to my career.

Advice to Incoming Students

Make the most of your time @ SCSU.

Miranda Corbin
Early Childhood Education
9x Deans List

The memories that we have will lifetime! Congrats and welcome to the next chapter of our lives!

Favorite Time at SCSU

Meeting my best friends here!

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I am going to miss living on campus the most. Being a part of the community has really made my time at Southern special.

Advice to Incoming Students

Get involved!! Make sure you go to events and join things that interest you on campus. As a freshman, I found it hard to talk to new people. After becoming an RA and working on campus, I have met lifelong friends here at Southern and that wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t put myself out there!

Angela Corsino
Public Health
Summa Cum Laude, Kay Keiser Valedictory Award

Congratulations grads! We had a rough start to out college careers but we made it! We made it!

Favorite Time at SCSU

My favorite part of my time was meeting my best friend Geordie! We've grown so much together and I couldn't have done it without him!

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I'll miss my club, Public Health Society. I'll miss those fun times we had. I'm looking forward to starting my career and starting this brand new chapter of my life.

Advice to Incoming Students

Take all the opportunities you can! Don't let your shell keep you from getting experiences that can really help you in the future.

Joseph Cortez
Mathematics Ed. (7-12)
Noyce Scholar Award

Congratulations to the Class of '24, I'm proud of everyone who has made it this far in reaching their goals! Keep working hard, and stay true to yourself.

Advice to Incoming Students

Here is my advice. Do not let a letter grade determine what you can or cannot do. Just because you cannot achieve mastery in a class within 15 weeks doesn't mean you're not good at it. Everyone learns at a different pace, you just need to find what works for you. Get involved on campus as early as possible. The longer you wait, the harder it becomes to start getting involved, and then you may have regrets in the end. Meet as many people as possible.

Xhensila Cota
Dean's List

To my fellow nursing graduates: May your scrubs be comfy, your coffee be strong, and your Mondays be short.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I am going to miss being a student nurse but I am looking forward to working 3 days a week and having the rest of the time off.

Advice to Incoming Students

If I could do it so can you!

Jancel Cruz
Computer Science

See You Space Cowboy...

Favorite Time at SCSU

Loved the people and friends I made along the way.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I will miss being in an environment full of people around my age, but I am definitely looking forward to being paid for my efforts.

Advice to Incoming Students

Don't leave with any regrets, Its the time to be bold and learn about yourself as well as what you want your future to be.