
Submit your photo and tell us about your experience at Southern.

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Brianna Samuels
Healthcare Studies

This journey was not the easiest though i am glad I was able to push through it. I DID IT!!

Sofia Santiago
Business Administration
Order of Omega

To my Fellow Graduates, Congratulations we did it! I am so proud and can’t wait to see what the future holds. Always remember to keep pushing when it gets hard and don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone!

Favorite Time at SCSU

Being apart of Alpha Sigma Alpha, Procon, and Greek Life Council.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I am going to miss meeting up with my friends and picking a place on campus to hang out. I’m also gonna miss all the fun events. I’m looking forward to a bright future and seeing others be successful

Advice to Incoming Students

Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone! Before I got to SCSU, I had no idea how many amazing organizations there were on campus and how much they could prepare you for the future. I met my best friends, did amazing things, and learned so much through those organizations. I would also say try to go to every event you can and see what’s out there for you.

Destene Savariau

To My Fellow Graduates. We did it! We can get the hell outta here! I hope you all savored every moment here at SCSU and made as many memories as possible. I know I did.

Favorite Time at SCSU

All my time here at SCSU is my favorite. Winning Ms. Heritage 23, getting to be SISTAS President, being a FACE model, making content for the SCSU Instagram and TikTok, going to Culture Fest, Homecoming, EVERYTHING!

Advice to Incoming Students

My advice is, DON'T STAY IN YOUR ROOM! Go outside, join a club, go to an event, and make new friends. Southern is so much because there's always something to do. Just go out and find it, because if you don't you will regret not making any memories.

Julia Sevell
Business Administration: Management. Minor in Anthropology
Magna Cum Laude

Congratulations to all 2024 graduates! We should all be extremely proud of this huge accomplishment. May your future bring you success and happiness!

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I am going to miss living on campus and being able to see my friends everyday!

Advice to Incoming Students

No matter how difficult or overwhelming it may seem, you always get it done. Take one thing at a time and never be afraid to ask your professors for help. They are here to guide us and help us through this. Don’t forget to have fun and balance school life, work life, and personal life. Make some memories! You got this! Good luck and have fun!

Amanda Sherman
Deans List, Presidents List, International Honor Society in Psychology, Cum Laude

We did it! Congratulations!! Cheers to the next chapter in our lives!

Favorite Time at SCSU

Playing pool almost everyday in the pool room at Stu with all my friends and meeting new friends throughout the years at SCSU.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I’m going to miss seeing my friends all of the time at school. I’m looking forward to continuing my schooling at SCSU in the Master of Social Work Program.

Advice to Incoming Students

Definitely have good time management skills and manage it wisely. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things! Have fun but don’t slack off!

Thamarsha Smith
Business Administration- Accounting

As we stand at the threshold of a new chapter, let's reflect on the shared experiences, the bonds we've formed, and the growth we've undergone. As we step into the world beyond these walls, may our paths be illuminated by the lessons learned and the friendships forged. Congratulations to us, fellow graduates, on this momentous achievement. Here's to the journey ahead.

Favorite Time at SCSU

Even in an online setting, my favorite part of my time at SCSU was the strong sense of community among my fellow online learners and instructors. Despite being physically apart, I still felt connected through our shared dedication to learning and mutual support. The flexibility of online classes allowed me to balance my studies with my other responsibilities, making the learning experience both convenient and rewarding.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

As a mother of four, I'll cherish the sense of accomplishment that comes with balancing my studies alongside my responsibilities at home. While I'll miss the camaraderie of classmates and the guidance of professors, I'm excited to apply the knowledge and skills I've gained to enriching my family's life and contributing to my community. The journey ahead is filled with endless possibilities, and I'm eager to embrace every moment of it.

Advice to Incoming Students

Embrace every opportunity to learn, grow, and connect. Stay curious, be open to new experiences, and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed. Remember that challenges are opportunities in disguise, and perseverance is key. Most importantly, cherish the journey and the people you meet along the way. Your time as a student is precious, so make the most of it!

Tylen Stanley-Jennette
Sports Management/Business Administration

No matter the obstacle, always make sure you finish what you start!

Favorite Time at SCSU

I'll treasure the moments when I couldn't find a sitter and had to bring my daughter to class with me.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I'll miss my study buddies and look forward to getting much needed rest!

Advice to Incoming Students

Don't lose focus and keep your eyes on the prize!