
Submit your photo and tell us about your experience at Southern.

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Idonia Thomas
Interdisciplinary Studies (Journalism & Sociology)

To the Graduates of 2024, No matter where this education takes us, remember we are unstoppable and will achieve anything. Continue to grow smarter and wiser and no matter what: protect your peace, love your life, and be happy!

Nikeila Thompson
Summa Cum Laude

We've made it CLASS OF 2024!! Now its time to kickass in the real world!

Advice to Incoming Students

No matter how hard it gets don't QUIT or GIVE UP. I promise in the end, ITS WORTH IT!!!!

Maria G. Tomas Lopez
Psychology: Mental Health Concentration
Magna Cum Laude

We're here at this moment because of our hard work and dedication. Everyone's path to get here was different but we got here nonetheless. Special congratulations to those who will be the first in their families to graduate from university and to those whose families have sacrificed so much for this moment. We’re here to represent our communities and we are proof that you can make it. I wish everyone the best in their future pursuits. Raise a glass to new beginnings.

Paula Torres
Social Work

May you be proud of the work you do, the person you are, and the difference you make.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I am going to miss meeting with the very patient and compassionate professors and advisors one on one

Holly Trumpler

You are stronger than you know. We went through a devastating, once-in-a-lifetime pandemic and came out on top. We are a group of some of the most empathetic people I have met. That trait will hold you all in good stead. I am so proud of all of you and I cannot wait to see where life takes us.

Favorite Time at SCSU

I have loved meeting new people and learning more about myself. That education has taught me so many valuable lessons that I do not think I could have learned anywhere else.

What are you going to miss the most, and what are you looking forward to the most?

I am going to miss the people. There are not a lot of people like the ones at SCSU. Everyone has been so kind and the world is not like that. I am looking forward to starting my career in the law and furthering my education in the future.

Advice to Incoming Students

Do not be too hard on yourself. You are going to fail and make mistakes. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and you will be ok!